Whether an emergency happens during our normal business hours or not, know that you can always call us at 860-347-4681 and have your concerns addressed.


If it is after hours or on the weekend, please follow the instructions to leave a message with our answering service. Dr. Erica will receive your message and promptly respond.


Phone:  860-347-4681

Fax: 860-344-0286

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Sweet Tooth Pediatric Dentistry complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. About discrimination and translations.


Best Dentist 2017 - 2024

Connecticut Magazine



Whether an emergency happens during our normal business hours or not, know that you can always call us at 860-347-4681 and have your concerns addressed.


If it is after hours or on the weekend, please follow the instructions to leave a message with our answering service. Dr. Erica will receive your message and promptly respond.
